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2nd Infantry Division Ring

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*this information is in no way complete nor up to date

The 2d Division, unlike any other division in the Army, is made up partially of Korean soldiers, called KATUSAs (Korean Augmentation to US Army). This program began in 1950 by agreement with South Korean President Syngman Rhee. Some 27,000 KATUSAs served with the US forces at the end of the Korean War. Approximately 1,400 served in 2002.

== Nicknames ==
* "Indian Head" Division (so named after the unit patch)
* "Warrior Division" (official nickname)
* Motto: "Second to None"

== Command and Staff ==
*Division Commander: Major General George A. Higgins
*Deputy Division Commander (Maneuver)

*Division Command Sergeant Major: CSM James Lucero
*Division KATUSA Sergeant Major: Park, Jung Gil

== Locations ==
:Camp Red Cloud(Division Command) located in Uijeongbu City
:Camp Essayons
:Camp Casey: located in Dongducheon City, 45 miles north of Seoul; 17 miles south of Korean Demilitarized Zone
:Camp Castle
:Camp Hovey
:Camp Howze
:Camp Stanley
:Camp Humphreys

== Subunits ==
:1st Brigade
::1st Battalion, 72d Armor, at Camp Casey
::2d Battalion, 72d Armor, at Camp Casey
::2d Battalion, 9th Infantry, at Camp Casey

:2d Brigade
:2d Brigade Combat Team,at Fort Carson, Colorado
::1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment "Manchu"
::1st Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (Air Assault) "1st Rock"
::1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment (Air Assault) "Currahee"
::Long Range Surveillance Detachment,
::Expert Infantry Badge Course,

:3d Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Lewis, WA
::2d Battalion, 3d Infantry Regiment ''The Old Guard''
::5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Infantry
::1st Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment
::1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry
::1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery
::296th Field Support Battalion

:Division Artillery (DIVARTY)
::DIVARTY Headquarters
::1st Battalion, 15th Artillery; ("Guns Battalion"), 155 mm guns
::2d Battalion, 17th Artillery; ("Steel Battalion") At Camp Hovey; supports 2d Brigade Combat Team
:::3 M109 howitzer batteries (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie)
:::Headquarters Battery
:::Service Battery

::6th Battalion, 37th Artillery; Commander: Lt. Colonel David Thompson
:::Headquarters Battery (HHB)
:::2 ATACMS (Bat II) M270 MLRS batteries
:::Service Battery

::1st Battaltion, 38th Artillery; ("Steel Behind the Rock"); General support for division; counter-fire on North Korean batteries

:5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery; Lieutenant Colonel Roberto L. Delgado, Commanding

:Aviation Brigade
::Aviation Brigade Headquarters
::4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry
::2d Battalion, 2d Aviation
::1st Battalion, 2d Aviation

Eighth Army Support:
::2d Battalion, 52d General Support Aviation Brigade, located at Camp Humpreys

:Engineering Brigade
::2nd Engineer Battalion, located at Camp Castle (recently inactivated)

:122d Signal Battalion

:Division Support Command (DISCOM)
::Division Medical Operations Center (DMOC)
::121st General Hospital, at Yongsam Garrison
:::127th Field Surgical Team

::2d Forward Support Battalion, at Camp Hovey; Tactically supports 1st Brigade Combat Team
::302d Forward Support Battalion ("Iron Horse"), at Camp Casey: Tactically supports 1st Brigade Combat Team
:::4th Chemical Company
::602d Aviation Support Battalion ("Warhorse Battalion"; motto "To mend the Broken Wings"); at Camp Stanley; Provides support for 2d Aviation Brigade

::702d Main Support Battalion; second-level maintenance

==History ==
=== World War I ===

One of the few active units organized on foreign soil, the 2d Infantry Division was born on 26 October, 1917, at Beaumont, France. At the time of its activation, the Indianhead Division was composed of the U.S. 1st Infantry Brigade, which was a normal Organic Brigade which included the U.S. 9th Infantry Regiment; and the U.S. 23d Infantry Regiment; and the U.S. 4th Marine Brigade, which consisted of the U.S. 5th Marine Regiment, and the U.S. 6th Marine Regiment, a battalion of Field Artillery, and various supporting units.

*(Special Note: The Navy furnished the hospital corpsmen for the 4th Marine Brigade, 5th Marine Regiment and 6th Marine Regiment, and made a special uniform change which allows hospital corpsmen of these organizations to wear a shoulder strap on the left shoulder of the "Dress Blues" so that the French Fourragere could be worn. These are the only Navy units to wear the Fourragere.

Twice during "The Great War" the division was commanded by Marine Corps generals, Major General Charles A. Doyen and Major General John A. Lejeune, marking the only times in U.S. Military history when Marines Corps officers commanded an Army division.

The division spent the winter of 1917–1918 training with French Army veterans. Though judged unprepared by French tacticians, the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was committed to combat in the spring of 1918 in a desperate attempt to halt a German advance toward Paris. The 2d Division drew its first blood in the nightmare landscape of the Battle of Belleau Wood, and contributed to shattering the four year old stalemate on the battlefield during the Battle of Chateau Thierry (1918). 2nd Infantry Division returned to U. S.in July 1919.

*Major Operations:

#Belleau Wood (4th Marine Brigade; 5th Marine Regiment; 6th Marine Regiment ONLY.)
#St. Mihiel,


*Killed In Action-1,964
*Wounded In Action-9,782


#BG C. A. Doyen, USMC (26 October 1917),
#MG Omar Bundy (8 November 1917),
#MG James G. Harbord (15 July 1918),
#MG John A. Lejeune, USMC (26 July 1918).

*Source for the World War I data and information: US Army Center of Military History ''The following combat chronicles, current as of October 1948, are reproduced from The Army Almanac: A Book of Facts Concerning the Army of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950, pp. 510-592.''

=== Interwar years ===

Upon returning to the United States, the division was stationed at Fort Sam Houston, at San Antonio, Texas as one of three divisions to remain intact and on Active Duty for the entire interwar period. It remained there for the next 23 years, serving as an experimental unit, testing new concepts and innovations for the Army. In 1940 the 2d Infantry Division was the first command reorganized under the new triangular concept, which provided for three separate regiments in each division. Indianhead soldiers pioneered concepts of airmobility and anti-tank warfare, which served the army for the next two decades on battlefields in every corner of the globe.

2 ID started taking part in maneuvers at Christine, Texas betwen January 3 - and January 27, 1940. It then moved to Horton, Texas ofor maneuvers from April 26 to May 28, 1940, followed by maneuvers at Cravens, Louisiana from August 16 to August 23, 1940. It returned to Fort Sam Houston, where it continued training and refitting, until it moved to Brownswood, Texas for the VIII Corps Maneuvers from June 1 through June 14, 1941 at Comanche, Texas. The division was then sent to Mansfield, Louisiana from August 11 through October 2, 1941 for the August-September, 1941 Louisiana Maneuvers.

2 ID was transferred to the VIII Corps Louisiana maneuver Area on July 27, 1941, and remained there until September 22, 1942, whereapon the 2 ID returned to Fort Sam Houston. They then moved to Camp McCoy at Sparta, Wisconsin on November 27, 1942. Four months of intensive training for winter warfare followed. In September 1943 the division received their Staging orders, and moved to the Camp Shanks staging area at Orangeburg, New York on October 3, 1943, where they got their Port Call orders. On 8 October the division officially sailed from the New York Port Of Embarkation, and started arriving in Belfast, Ireland on the October 17, where they trained and staged for forward movement to France.


=== World War II ===

After training in Ireland and Wales from October 1943 to June 1944, the 2d Infantry Division crossed the channel to land on Omaha Beach on D-Day 1944 after a 39-day contest.

The Division took a brief rest September 19.

The Division crossed the Rhine 21 March and advanced to Hadamar and Limburg an der Lahn, relieving elements of the US 9th Armored Division.

2d Infantry Division returned to the New York Port Of Embarkation on July 20, 1945, and arrived at Camp Swift at Bastrop, Texas on July 22, 1945. They started a training schedule to prepare them to participate in the scheduled Operation Downfall#Coronet, which post became their Home Station. From their Fort Lewis base, they conducted Arctic, air transportability, amphibious, and maneuver training.

*World War II Results


#Northern France,
#Central Europe,

*Days of combat: 303.

*Awards and Decorations:

#Distinguished Unit Citations: 16.
#Medal of Honor-6 ;
#Distinguished Service Cross-34 ;
#Distinguished Serice Medals-1 ;
#Silver Stars-741;
#Legion of Merits-25;
#Soldier Medals-14 ;
#Bronze Star Medals-5,530 ;
#Air Medals-89.


#MG John C. H. Lee (6 November 1941-8 May 1942)
#MG Walter M. Robertson (9 May 1942-June 1945),
#BG W. K. Harrison (June-September 1945),
#MG Edward M. Almond (September 1945-June 1946),
#MG Paul W. Kendall (June 1946 to 24 May 1948),
#MG Harry J. Collins (30 June 1948-).


#Killed In Action: 3,031
#Wounded In Action: 12,785
#Died of Wounds: 457

=== Korean War ===

With the outbreak of hostilities in Korea during the summer of 1950, the 2d Infantry Division was quickly alerted for movement to the Far East Command. The division arrived in Korea, via Pusan on 23 July, becoming the first unit to reach Korea directly from the United States. Initially employed piecemeal, the entire division was committed as a unit on 24 August, 1950, relieving the US 24th Infantry Divisionns struck in a desperate human wave attack on the night of 31 August. In the 16-day battle that followed, the divisionâ''s clerks, bandsmen, technical and supply personnel joined in the fight to defend against the attackers.

Shortly thereafter, the 2ID was the first unit to break out of the Pusan perimeter and they led the US Eighth Armyn Border. It was at this time that the 2ID received a crucial new support element. In August of 1950, with American forces dwindling, a Korean Augmentation to the United States Army was established. These valiant new 2nd Infantry Division troops, known since simply as KATUSA, helped turn the tide of the war for American forces.

Now within fifty miles of the Manchurian border when People's Liberation Army front was saved and the general offensive continued.

Again in April and May 1951, the 2d Infantry Division was instrumental in smashing the communist's spring offensive. For its part in this action the 2nd Infantry Division was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (US), four years after its last unit arrived in Korea, the 2ID was alerted for re-deployment to the United States.

=== Reorganization ===

In the summer of 1954 the 2d Division was transferred from Korea to Fort Lewis, Washington, where it remained for only two years, until being transferred to Alaska in August of 1956. On 8 November, 1957, it was announced that the division was to be deactivated. However, a few short months later, in the spring of 1958, the Department of the Army announced that the 2d Infantry Division would be reorganized at Fort Benning, Georgia (U.S. state) (STRAC) unit. Following this the Division became engaged in intensified combat training, tactical training, and field training exercises, in addition to special training designed to improve operational readiness.

=== Back to Korea ===

As a result of increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula, the 2d Infantry Division returned to the Republic of Korea in July of 1965. North Korean forces were engaging in increasing border incursions and infiltration attempts and the 2d Division was called upon to help halt these attacks. On 2 November 1966, soldiers of the 1st Battalion, US 23d Infantry Regiment increased, as a result, 16 American soldiers were killed that year.

In 1968 North Koreans continued to probe across the DMZ, and in 1969, while on patrol, 4 soldiers of 3d Battalion, 23d Infantry were killed, but by 1970 the North had decided that their efforts against the 2d ID werenâ''t worth the cost and organized attacks stopped that year. By March of 1971 ROK forces had assumed the responsibility for the defense of all but 500 yards of the DMZ, allowing the 2d Infantry Division to maintain combat readiness in case of any eventuality.

On 18 August 1976, during a routine tree-trimming operation within the DMZ, two American officers were bludgeoned to death in a melee with North Korean border guards in the Joint Security Area. What resulted is known as Operation Paul Bunyan. The 2d Infantry Division was chosen to spearhead the United Nations Command response to this incident and on 21 August, Task Force Brady, a group of ROK soldiers American infantry and engineers, swept into the area and cut down the infamous "Panmunjom Tree". The 2d Infantry Division delivered an unmistakable message to the North Koreans, as well as to the world.

The 2d Infantry Division is still stationed in Korea, with a number of camps near the DMZ. Command headquarters are at Camp Red Cloud in Uijongbu.

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